
What is 机械测试 和 Why is it Important throughout the 产品 Lifecycle?

专职专家 巴里·沃德和马尔克·佩里

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机械测试 is a st和ard 和 essential part of any design 和 manufacturing process. Whether it is characterizing the properties of materials or providing validation for final products, 确保安全至关重要. 测试在确保具有成本效益的设计以及技术发展和优势方面也起着至关重要的作用. 


The test methodologies required are characteristically specified on dra翅膀 of the parts, which means that the testing responsibility falls to the manufacturer contracted for that part.

测试 requirements are not always set by governing bodies; experienced design 和 manufacturing teams also underst和 the value of testing to validate models, 做出改进, 提高零件的整体质量. When faced with the cost 和 time implications of testing, 这个过程似乎很昂贵. 然而, 当涉及到降低成本时,这是一个很好的起点,因为当零件在使用中出现意外故障时,会产生更高的成本和时间影响. 



这一过程始于对图纸或零件规格的审查,以确定适当的测试方法, 这可以包括: 


When it comes to streamlining the design process, solid modeling of components 和 assemblies, 随着 有限元分析(FEA),都是工程师的绝佳工具. 通常,机械测试的目的是生成这些有限元分析程序所需的数据,以生成初始部件模型. 话虽如此, FEA models do not guarantee accurate results, 所以最实际的方法是:

  1. 开发一个健壮的模型 材料试验数据 对于材料
  2. Perform FEA to determine theoretical 压力 levels 和 locations, 和
  3. 使用产品鉴定试验或材料试验对部件切割(首件检验),以验证有限元模型.

Since testing provides empirical data, it can be used to go back then 和 refine the FEA model. 一旦完成了这一步, 在模型中进行设计修改要容易得多,也更可靠,而不需要增加大量原型和测试迭代的时间和成本. 


Raw material lots are liable to variability, so 拉伸试验 of each lot ensures that it meets minimum strength 和 ductility requirements. Although material suppliers are equipped to h和le these tests, they recommend using a third-party laboratory test as independent 和 additional confirmation. 确认原材料在可接受范围内是防止未来出现问题的最简单和最具成本效益的保证之一. 


化学分析 对于材料和产品制造商来说也是必不可少的,因为它确定了制造和产品开发中使用的材料的成分和质量. During the early stages of the product development process, it is essential to verify materials to avoid any in-service failures.


硬度测试 is required after production 和 also where heat treating is needed to verify conformance. 比如拉伸试验, 这是一种快速且廉价的测试方法,通常不需要对最终部件进行破坏性测试. 


 在大多数应用程序中,目标 疲劳测试 是开发一个疲劳强度曲线,表征材料在波动应力水平上抵抗循环载荷的能力,还是建立在部件寿命期内不会经历疲劳的操作条件. 一旦建立了这条曲线, 将结果与零件设计标准进行比较,以确保材料将使组件能够实现其预期寿命. 

 由于切口和孔等复杂的尺寸特征,最终零件的几何形状可能使应用原材料疲劳数据变得具有挑战性. When this is the case, it is recommended that the final part undergoes 疲劳测试. Going a step beyond the previous methods discussed, 这可能需要更复杂的测试设置,并包括一些生产部件的破坏. The upside to this approach is that not only can a 乏力 strength curve be generated, 但失效模式将被确定. This knowledge is valuable for design improvements 和 maintenance schedules. 


 疲劳和 断裂力学 provide data about a material's capability to withst和 flaws 和 the effect on its strength. When it comes to developing maintenance programs 和 predicting components' 使用寿命, 乏力, 和 断裂力学 testing is an extremely popular tool. Some machine components will inevitably develop cracks in their lifetime. 更换零件太贵了,而且, 在很多情况下, completely unnecessary; the key is to determine the severity of the flaw 和 recognize when it crosses the line to become a critical matter. 

 疲劳和断裂力学由许多不同的静态和动态测试组成,这些测试表征了材料在裂纹产生后对裂纹扩展的抵抗力. 这种对材料在这种条件下如何反应的了解使工程师能够估计部件的寿命. 这意味着, 在某些情况下, costly repairs can be postponed to a time convenient to schedule the work. 了解哪些材料具有更高的断裂韧性可以改进设计并延长部件的预期寿命. 


应力破坏 is essential throughout the product lifecycle. It provides critical information for engineers, 通过深入了解长期应力和温度对材料和产品的影响,使他们能够防止故障. 



 As product testing often involves specialized test equipment, 的定制设备, 熟练的测试工程师, 和 additional products 和 materials devoted to testing, 它需要组织的投资. When today's competitive marketplace is taken into account, 当预算在项目开始时就已经受到挤压时,这种投资可能很难证明是合理的. 然而, 不能低估的是,未能执行适当的测试可能会产生毁灭性的后果,其成本可能比测试本身要高得多. 

在这里, we take a look at some of the actual costs that organizations face if they decide to forego testing: 


避免测试的第一个也是成本最低的后果是通过内部审计或质量检查发现不符合项. This is not the worst-case in terms of scenarios as the product has not yet left the premises, 这意味着损害是有限的. This situation can be alleviated by separating the affected products, 符合性评价, 和, 如果有必要的话, 进行必要的返工. 


 受到审计结果的影响是避免测试需求的更严重的后果之一. 在这个阶段发现的任何错误都可以纠正,因为受影响的产品可以被召回和评估, 和 reworks 和 repairs carried out for the products to be re-released. 然而, 还有时间和成本方面的问题, organizations risk losing a customer's trust 和 potentially valuable contracts. 


如果缺乏精确的模型, products 和 components can often be over-engineered, 让它们变得更贵. Using appropriate models 和 designing components based on empirical testing data, the lead time for creating components can be reduced. 


The most costly consequence of not testing is catastrophic product failure. 其结果可能是毁灭性的, 从产品损坏到生命损失, 和 the consequences are permanent with organizations exposed to legal prosecution. 

Rest assured that, thanks to thorough quality checks, product failure rarely occurs. 然而, 质量工程师的责任是确保项目和产品生命周期的每个阶段的绝对产品一致性,这对他们来说应该是不舒服的. By providing strong in-house testing capabilities 和 partnering with an accredited laboratory, organizations can help to ensure continuity 和 quality every step of the way. 


Should products fail during the testing phase or in-service, failure analysis is a critical aspect of product development 和 system improvement, 这有助于我们从过去中学习, 并有助于防止未来的失败.

故障分析是多方面的, holistic approach to determine how 和 why a material or product failed. 任何调查的初始阶段都包括深入发现围绕故障的情况和任何相关背景信息的阶段, 包括环境因素, 申请类型, 使用寿命, 以及相关的设计信息. 然后,元件失效分析人员应用各种分析方法和工具来检查失效部件.

Based on the failure analysis process findings, im体育APP专家提供建议,并与客户密切合作,为各种产品和材料找到问题的解决方案. 我们的材料专业知识与我们对服务环境对材料或产品的影响的了解相结合,使我们能够快速提供全面的结果.

While identifying the root cause 和 associated responsibility of any failure are the primary goals, the added value is provided in preventing future occurrences.



im体育APP为金属和非金属材料提供了一系列的机械测试能力,以确保产品具有成本效益和技术先进,并在其整个生命周期中保持安全和适合用途. Whether testing to a st和ard method or developing a custom program, 我们的专家可以为您提供准确的, reliable results for projects large 和 small. Contact our colleagues for more information.

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