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大卫·里奇曼 has over 40 years of experience delivering product qualification testing to the global aerospace sector.

航空航天 qualification - 鸟撞测试

Relentless testing of airplane materials and 组件 is integral to ensure planes are safe and fit for purpose. Bird strike and 冰雹的影响 testing ensure when an airplane collides with a bird, 冰雹, 或者飞行中的碎片, the contact should not disable or threaten the integrity of flight capability. 


When an airplane collides with a bird 或者飞行中的碎片, the high velocities of contact can damage or disable engines, 打破了挡风玻璃, and threaten the structural integrity of an aircraft. While the majority of bird strikes will not affect an aircraft to be able to continue flying, the in-flight impact can pose a serious threat and have the potential to cause significant damage, 或者使飞机无法飞行.

Aircraft certification standards for the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and 欧洲an Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) require impact testing of the engine and the airframe externals. 测试 the effect of impact demonstrates the resistance of the product to bird impact and can cope with damage inflicted by birds of different weights while in flight.


Standardized methods for testing bird impacts include using a pneumatic cannon. A  bird (usually a chicken) of a specified weight) is launched at high velocity at the Unit Under Test from a specified distance. A post-test damage assessment is then performed per the specified criteria.

Today’s 鸟撞测试 has advanced considerably since its inception, 发射不同重量的鸟(1).5到8磅),速度高达450英里每小时. Proximity sensors measure the real-time velocity of each shot, and high-speed video equipment monitors each impact for further analysis.

无花果. 1 Pneumatic canon for 冰雹 / bird strike / 弹丸冲击试验

In addition to variations in speed and velocity of the projectile, there are other considerations and variables to consider when developing your test plan, 包括炮弹的重量, 密度, 和刚度, 以及测试样本, 表面形状, 和撞击角度. 也, the kinetic energy absorbed by the airframe during the impact should be included during evaluation.

图2. 弹丸数字图像相关

Test design for bird strike and projective testing

im体育APP is one of only a handful of facilities in the world that is capable of offering all three types of testing (bird strike, 冰雹的影响, and projectile impact) for a wide variety of materials, 组件, 产品, 和系统.

Several important factors that can influence the testing process must be taken into full consideration:

  • Test Fixture Design – including the angle of the unit under test, 夹具的刚性, 目标冲击区, 设备访问
  • Sample Preparation – Uniformity of test items, attachment points of the sample test item to test fixture
  • Definition of Data Requirements - options include Strain Gaging (stress measurement), High-Speed Photography (single or multiple cameras), and DIC (Digital Image Correlation) peak displacement map.

A well-designed test program will not only make it easier to complete testing but will support a product through its complete life cycle from the development phase to post-certification. Failures during a test might result in the identification of a design weakness, which could prove fatal if not identified and rectified. Benchmarking failures in a repeatable fashion allow for new designs and improving to successful testing, 更安全的产品.

Combine 鸟撞测试 with 航空航天 PQT

We commonly combine 鸟撞测试 with direct & 间接雷击试验, 高强度辐射场(HIRF)测试, 高度测试, 工程模拟 & finite element analysis, and explosive atmosphere testing.

有3个以上,000技术人员, 工程师, and scientists dedicated to supporting our global aerospace customers, im体育APP has the expertise and capacity to guide you through the complex nature of qualification testing of aerospace 组件.

Failing to meet critical deadlines such as safety of flight or late delivery can imply punitive measures and high costs. 最终, 我们提供确定性的结果, 所以你可以创造更好更安全的产品, 并将法律和财务风险降至最低.

To learn more about im体育APP’s bird strike capabilities, 请今天就im体育APP的专家. 

找到相关的 资源





Find out how our aerospace experts use a bespoke cannon to simulate and launch bird strikes at aerospace 组件 to mitigate risks for take-off and landing.



im体育APP's 冰雹的影响 testing programs are a critical part of your product plan to help you protect your automobiles and other vehicles from impact and.  


RTCA DO-160测试

Find out more about our extensive experience with RTCA DO 160 qualification programs, 从环境模拟到EMC测试, we are a single-source testing partner for every section of DO 160 testing.



Find out how im体育APP helps its 航空航天 customers to develop better 组件, 产品 和系统; to get them to market on time; save them time and money; and to minimize the risk associated with their product development and production activities.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.