Employers are responsible for protecting the health of their workforce by effectively assessing 和 controlling any exposure to hazardous substances. To do this, they must comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 规定 2002. We perform work tests 和 assessments to help ensure you are compliant with regulations in the workplace.

Uncontrolled exposure to hazardous substances can result in employees suffering from long-term lung diseases such as occupational asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 还有肺癌, as well as skin conditions including non-melanoma skin cancers, 和皮炎.

Our expert team is here to help you to keep your employees safe from harmful 和 hazardous substances 和 stay compliant with COSHH regulations, 减轻风险.


What is a COSHH risk assessment?

A COSHH风险评估 is an assessment focussing on the hazards 和 risks of all hazardous substances in the workplace. 重要的是:

  1. 识别每个危险
  2. Assess who might be harmed 和 how
  3. 评估风险
  4. Implement appropriate control measures
  5. 审查


How often should you review the COSHH risk assessment?

A COSHH risk assessment should be formally reviewed at least every year 和 is an important ‘live’ working document. The review frequency should be determined by risk assessment itself accounting for all aspects such as the nature of hazardous substances, the likelihood of exposure, 和 any changes made at the workplace.


Our COSHH Assessment 服务

Our services range from compliance gap analysis audits to undertaking COSHH risk assessments, conducting Risk Assessment Training Courses to enable you to produce accurate workable documents, 工作场所空气监测, 和 providing practical control advice.

Our team, all members of the British 职业卫生 Society, operates throughout the UK 和 Irel和 和 can help you to successfully develop 和 deliver your COSHH assessment, 管理, 以及合规项目.



The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations are comprised of the following:

  • Regulation 6 - COSHH risk assessment
  • Regulation 7 - Control of exposure
  • Regulation 8 - Use of control measures
  • Regulation 9 - Maintenance, examination, 和 testing of control measures
  • Regulation 10 - Monitoring of exposure
  • Regulation 11 - Health Surveillance
  • Regulation 12 - Information, instruction, 和 training
  • Regulation 13 - Arrangements to deal with accidents, incidents, 和 emergencies



im体育APP’s qualified 和 highly experienced team of occupational hygienists specialize in delivering a range of COSHH assessment 和 advisory services to help you to make certain that you comply with all the relevant COSHH regulations such as our 面部贴合测试工作场所空气监测 services, training, as well as providing practical control advice.

If you have any questions about COSHH risk assessments or your requirements, please 今天就im体育APP的专家.

工作间空气监察 Expert

Measuring 和 assessing workplace hazards: an introductory guide to occupational hygiene

To learn more about occupational hygiene, including legal regulations, complete the form 和 download our free guide using the link below.

The free guide includes information on:

  1. Hazardous substances (COSHH)
  2. 石棉
  3. 军团的士兵的疾病
  4. 工作噪音
  5. 振动
  6. 热环境
  7. 工作环境
  8. Electromagnetic fields (EMF)
  9. Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)

我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia 和 Africa are ready to help you.