Make sure your products stand the test of time with im体育APP's paint and coating testing. 我们的专家为大多数im体育平台app下载提供量身定制的解决方案, so your products can handle everything from everyday wear to the toughest conditions. Count on us for customized solutions to meet rigorous international industry standards.


What is 材料测试 for Paint and 涂料 – and why do I need it?

This type of testing explores the material properties of 涂料, 包括油漆, 评估它在表面上的表现, 以及对表面的任何影响. 我们还可以模拟极端条件, 评估质量, 表演, 即使在最苛刻的情况下也要遵守. 我们的专业知识包括法规遵从性测试, 失效分析, 过程评价, 化学分析, de-formulation, 硬度评估, 粘附强度, 材料选择, 和咨询. 

以下im体育平台app下载 汽车, 建设, 航空航天, and 制造业 rely on this testing to ensure 涂料 meet safety and regulatory requirements whilst maintaining desired aesthetics and protective properties. Our comprehensive paint and 涂料 testing safeguards against defects, 促进产品寿命, 所有这些都符合严格的环境和安全标准.


Key Benefits of working with im体育APP for Paint and Coatings 测试 

  • 以材料为中心的测试让你安心: Our comprehensive paint and coating testing services ensure your 涂料 not only meet but exceed specific requirements under different environmental conditions. 这意味着产品更耐用, preventing headaches like peeling and defects that could affect your product's lifespan. 
  • 整个测试过程中的技术指导: im体育APP的专家在这里为您提供每一步的帮助. 我们在每个测试阶段提供信息和支持, 帮助您了解涂料的技术方面, 测试方法, 和发现,并指导你完成必要的下一步.
  • 全面检测,品质一致: 信赖我们细致的检测结果, ensuring your 涂料 meet the highest quality and 表演 standards. We don't just meet requirements; we prioritize ensuring your paints and 涂料 precisely match your unique needs and remain compatible with your specific product and application.



在一个存钱很重要的世界里, 我们的一站式服务, 包括实验室测试, 工程支持, 和R&D指导,是您的解决方案.

Whether you're after a quicker timeline or better resource planning, 我们的综合方法使事情变得简单, 加快决策和解决方案. 当你与im体育APP合作时, 我们的专家能满足您的所有需求, 所以你不需要在多个供应商之间周旋. It's not just a time-saver; it cuts the hassle and costs of managing everything separately. 


在今天的全球市场中,获得 市场准入 保持竞争力对每个im体育平台app下载的企业来说都是关键. That's where paint and 涂料 testing, with a focus on material properties, comes into play. 在im体育APP, our paint and 涂料 testing services do more than just meet regulatory requirements—they ensure you exceed the strict global standards for quality and 表演. This not only opens doors to new markets but also positions you as a strong player internationally. 通过展示可靠性, 耐用性, and safety of your 涂料 through our thorough material-focused testing, you're not just meeting global demands; you're building a reputation that instills trust and confidence in both current and future customers.






im体育APP的全球涂料专家 im体育APP的专家


  • 油漆和涂层附着力
  • 油漆和涂膜厚度
  • 灵活性
  • 薄膜硬度
  • 颜色和光泽测量
  • 油漆或涂层脱配方/材料鉴定
  • 基本和控制辐照喷雾
  • 湿度测试
  • 循环腐蚀
  • 浸没式测试
  • 旋转和垂直浸渍/干燥
  • Temperatures up to 260°C (500°F) (ovens) and 1100°C (2000°F) (furnaces)
  • -100°C(-150°F)亚环境测试
  • 化学兼容性
  • Gravelometer测试
  • 热循环
  • 高压灭菌器测试 


除了油漆和涂料的材料测试, we also offer a wide variety of testing tailored for specific needs and industries, 包括能源领域, 医疗设备, 对于环境因素:

  • 在石油和天然气im体育平台app下载, 涂料 play a crucial role in shielding your equipment and structures from tough conditions. im体育APP's experts make sure your 涂料 can handle extreme temperatures, 腐蚀, 化学影响. 了解我们的 能源涂层测试服务
  • 用于医疗产品, 我们知道安全性和可靠性是不容置疑的, 所以我们的测试服务确保了这一点 用于医疗器械的涂料 设备符合严格的质量和安全标准, 优先考虑患者的健康和遵守法规.
  • 而环保应用方面, we offer services that consider the particulate release of a product, allowing for assessments to be drawn regarding the environmental impact of your 涂料 - essential for sustainability and compliance with environmental regulations.


当您选择im体育APP进行油漆和涂料测试时, you're tapping into a global network of cutting-edge laboratories that specialize in material properties. Plus, you connect with experts who really understand industry regulations.

我们的团队 准备好迎接任何挑战了吗, and we don't just test to meet standards – we collaborate with you to create customized paint testing plans.

我们的全球网络覆盖实验室测试, 工程支持, 并进行全面的研发指导, we can provide better efficiency and cost-effectiveness for your project, 无论你在哪里.

im体育APP today to explore our comprehensive material testing range for paint and 涂料.


这里列出了最常用的标准. If the standard you're looking to test to isn't on our list, don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to guide you through the optimal testing approach aligned with industry standards: SS , 一家名叫PACCAR, CMT, NORSOK, NF, NFA, 非功能性测试, 欧宁, NEMA, NASM, NACE, ISO, 克分子量, 国际刑事法庭, 福特, 教学法, EN, 环境影响评价, 含铅, 喧嚣声, D2794, CSA     



热喷涂是一种常用的金属喷涂方法, 陶瓷, 塑料, 或复合涂层到器件或材料上. 这个过程在各行各业都有广泛的应用, 包括医疗, 航空航天, 制造业, 和能源. im体育官方app下载

Paints and Coatings Failures: A Guidebook on Causes 和Remedies

失效分析 is a valuable tool when investigating the root causes of asset failure, and developing a corrective action plan to ensure your paints and 涂料 adhere and remain intact.



Case study on the 失效分析 of a Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coated steel pipe that was under cathodic protection while in service and showed blistering of the FBE coating and 腐蚀 on the surface.



im体育APP’s coating testing laboratories will help you determine what test types are appropriate for your products. 



Find out how im体育APP's 腐蚀 testing programs can drastically reduce the risks associated with 腐蚀.


磨损 & 磨损测试

Our 从事专家 perform abrasion and wear testing that will help predict the lifetime and 耐用性 of a material or coating.

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im体育APP的全面曝光服务可以评估聚合物, 涂料, metals and other materials to a variety of methods and specifications.



了解我们的专家如何进行盐雾测试, or natural salt spray (NSS) to evaluate the integrity of a coating in a corrosive environment or to test the 腐蚀 resistance of a product or material.

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Our industry-leading coating expertise covers a wide range of applications and client needs. 使用最先进的设备和技术, 我们提供咨询, 隔热涂料的研究和试验.



我们提供氙弧测试, Carbon Arc testing and UV Exposure testing to simulate exposure of your products or materials to ultraviolet radiation, 温度和湿度.



im体育APP has the capability to conduct 涂料 chemical resistance tests to evaluate the resistance of 涂料 to chemical attacks in a variety of service environments.


机械 & 涂料物理测试

具有广泛的涂料测试服务, 元件提供灵活性测试(心轴和t型弯曲测试), 测量涂层密度, 体积固体和指纹识别服务.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.