im体育APP's 石棉检测 services can help confirm and identify the presence of asbestos and ensure compliance with the Control of 石棉 Regulations. 现场或实验室, our qualified experts minimize your exposure risk through 测试 and sample collection, 提供可靠的结果,以保障健康和遵守法律. 



im体育APP provides a comprehensive range of asbestos 测试 services for organizations and building owners, incorporating initial survey capabilities to assess the presence and condition of asbestos on-site, alongside the choice between on-site 测试 or in-lab 抽样 when on-site 测试 isn't feasible or more in-depth composition 分析 is required . 我们可以识别和量化各种材料中所有类型的石棉.


作为建筑产品中最危险的材料之一, 有高度的公众监督和重大的法律责任, it is essential to be certain whether you have asbestos on-site and respond accordingly. This 测试 and inspection is carried out to support you in achieving compliance with Regulation 4 of the Control of 石棉 Regulations (CAR) 2012 and, 最终, 防止您的工业设备接触石棉, 商业, 以及住宅物业.



  • 实验室和现场测试 – With experts that can operate 测试 和取样 procedures both on-site and in-lab to meet requirements, 彻底的, 无论样品的位置如何,都可以进行安全石棉测试.
  • 一个更快、更经济的解决方案 - im体育APP可以提供完整的端到端石棉测试服务. 通过使用单一提供商进行测量, 抽样, 测试, advisory and 管理 you can gain the fullpicture to make informed decisions faster.
  • 应急响应 -在紧张的周转中找到合适的测试合作伙伴并不困难, 有多个位置, 实验室测试和良好的可用性,我们的团队可以在紧急情况下为您提供支持.
  • 满足法规 - Our highly experienced CoCA-qualified (certificate of competence asbestos) experts convey all of our asbestos advice and guidance in line with national legislation under CAR 2012.
  • 维护标准 -我们的测试和分析服务是按照HSG248提供的, 抽样的“分析师指南”, 分析, and clearance procedures” and are UKAS accredited to the international standard ISO/IEC 17025. 



在与石棉有关的情况下航行可能是压倒性的,并受到审查. Our expert team understands this challenging landscape and is ready to equip you with the information and support to make informed decisions, 优先考虑安全性和法规遵从性. 我们的专家采用现场和实验室分析相结合的方法, 全面的调查, 和取样. 这取决于你对现场石棉的了解程度, we can initiate the process with a comprehensive survey or begin with 测试 和取样, enabling you to confirm and identify asbestos within a site at the required level of detail. im体育APP can help you identify potential asbestos containing materials and assess associated risks. 从那里, 我们可以建立一个全面的图景, 深入研究石棉类型, 物质降解的程度, 目前的数量和可能需要采取的进一步行动的建议.



由于其极其危险的性质, it is recommended that only trained individuals conduct asbestos tests or collect suspected asbestos samples.  im体育APP’s highly qualified team of asbestos surveyors carry our fully extensive asbestos surveys and collect the samples require. We do also provide the added convenience of allowing our customers to self-submit suspected asbestos samples to our UKAS-accredited laboratories, 提供适合您的风险管理策略的定制方法.   Engaging our team promptly not only reduces the health and environmental risks to yourself and others of on-site exposure but can also mitigate potential legality risks associated with any inaccuracies in the 测试 和取样 process.  




im体育APP的英国石棉主管 im体育APP的专家


im体育APP的英国石棉国家客户经理 im体育APP的专家


从最初的调查到抽样和测试, our complete range of services ensure that your site can be fully assessed for asbestos and any materials 彻底的ly analysed. im体育APP’s qualified home and site-based asbestos experts offer a local and highly responsive service which can be tailored to suit your individual needs.  


Establish the initial presence of asbestos on site and its condition with our  asbestos surveys. 按照 HSG264《im体育APP》 ,我们的调查已通过ISO/ iec17020认证.根据您的要求,im体育APP进行三种类型的石棉检验.

  • 管理调查:履行为大厦业主/住户管理法例的责任.
  • Refurbishment and demolition survey: conducted to comply with legislation if the premises need upgrading, 翻新, 或拆除.
  • Reinspection Surveys: Our surveyors are trained to safely take samples of suspected asbestos material and bring them back to our in-house laboratories for UKAS accredited asbestos 大量的分析


我们提供一系列测试方法来评估石棉的存在, 均符合ISO/IEC 17025标准. 一个方法, 大量的分析, aligns with HSG248 guidelines and confirms the presence or absence of asbestos in a given sample. 我们也可以提供 石棉空气试验, which aims to establish fiber levels prior to activities that could release asbestos into the air, 例如拆卸工程. 另外,我们的 土壤石棉试验 screens 土壤 samples for 石棉纤维 and identifies and quantifies them with precision, 降到0.001%. 附加的测试路径包括吸水测试. Our water absorption 测试 aids in determining whether specific materials must be managed under licensed or unlicensed conditions. 这全谱的测试类型确保全面的石棉评估, 哪一个完全适合您的个人站点需求.

通过这些测试方法, 我们可以在一系列材料中识别和量化石棉类型, 包括温石棉, 铁石棉, 青石棉, 透闪石, 阳起石, 和直闪石, 涵盖一系列应用,包括但不限于:空气, 土壤, 水泥, 蛭石, 绝缘, 地砖, 天花板上的瓷砖.


如果现场测试无法确认石棉的存在, 我们训练有素的实地测量员可以把样品带回实验室. They carry out bulk sample material 分析 for 石棉纤维 following HSG248 in line with ISO/IEC 17025 standards. 石棉样品测试确认样品中是否存在石棉.

石棉 samples of suspected material can also be sent to or dropped off at one of our UKAS accredited laboratories. 我们建议只有经过培训的人员才能收集可疑的石棉样本. 



im体育APP offers globally recognized asbestos 测试 and 分析 services that cover on-site and in-lab 测试 across the UK and the Middle East. Our comprehensive suite of asbestos support includes asbestos 抽样 to ISO/IEC 17025, 符合ISO IEC 17020标准, 管理, 咨询服务, 满足各种工业需求, 商业, 国内组织.

我们的团队 高素质的顾问提供专家指导, 包括提供紧急石棉取样和测试, 保证快速有效地解决您的石棉相关风险. 不要犹豫 立即im体育APP 了解更多有关我们的端到端石棉测试服务和支持.



在按需石棉意识网络研讨会, 亚历克斯难的, im体育APP技术专员, 了解石棉的特性, 不同的类型, 使用, 以及相关的健康危害.



Read our case study and learn how the scale and complexity of nuclear power stations are challenging environments for critical asbestos work.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.